Saturday, 30 June 2012

Getting started

Many is the time in the last couple of years that I have said, ‘if I had a blog I’d blog about that’ …. And here I am with a blog now set up, wondering what to blog about…
I am a writer by profession – I have made my living with writing of various kinds for the last 40 years, so I should know how to do it shouldn’t I?  Haha!

Much of my working life I have worked as a journalist, some of that time, and most recently as a newspaper reporter. News reporting is mostly about being a witness – about telling everyone else’s story but your own. We tell of other people’s pain, sorrow, joy, anger, their achievements, their protests, their politics  – but we don’t often speak with our own voice.

So, now I am not a news reporter any more, my blogging will be about my own voice. Some of it will be creative, some political, some just plain funny (I hope!)

Since news reporting is necessarily concise and to the point, so is the first little item in my collection-in-progress, which is loosely called ‘I used to be a news reporter’.
It is all about how it is to be a witness to so many things and finally to decide that you need to find your own voice … and speak of your own experience… I don't call myself a poet, I am a creative writer and my future work will appear in many forms. But to start... a tiny one...

He said she said
they said you said
evryone else said,
I never said.

Time to come off the fence!

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